3 Effective Measures For Keeping Trees Healthy And Thriving On Your Property

If you have trees on your property, you want them to look beautiful throughout the entire year. Proactive maintenance is key for your trees' longevity, which involves performing these steps on a regular basis. 

Protect Tree Roots

For trees to remain healthy, their roots also need to be healthy. They are, after all, what deliver nutrients throughout the tree. One of the biggest challenges to healthy roots is compacted soil as it impedes oxygen and water from filtering through roots. You can easily prevent compaction by covering soil with a lot of vegetation and plants. Creating pathways that circle around key root areas is also paramount for protection. 

If your soil is already compacted, it's not too late to restore it through top-dressing key root areas with compost. As time goes on, earthworms and other bugs slowly pull this compost into the damaged area. The soil will then become loose, thus allowing water to traverse through roots better. 

Maintain Tree Bark

The bark on trees may seem insignificant as it falls off all of the time. You'll need to maintain it at all costs, though, because it's what protects the tree from fungal and bacterial infections. There are many sources of tree bark damage to stay cognizant of, including rubbing branches, vehicles, lawn equipment, and rotary spray heads. 

Rubbing branches are an easy fix if you catch them early on, when the branches haven't had time to grow thick. As trees grow, sometimes they form a v-shape, where two branches go in opposite directions. You'll want to prune (cut) one side so that the bark is not damaged. 

Before doing any lawn maintenance, put a protective barrier around the tree. You could use wood posts or even chicken wire. The border then helps you steer clear from these fragile areas. 

Contact Professional Tree Services

There are times when you don't have time, nor the experience, to keep your trees healthy. Luckily, you can always get help from professional tree companies. Some services they provide include tree pruning, tree trunk removal, emergency tree storm service, and tree removal.

As far as tree pruning, these professionals know exactly where to cut to maintain the overall health of your trees. Tree removal is particularly helpful when your trees pose significant threats to your property and safety. 

It's a blessing to have trees on your property. To keep them thriving and beautiful, you need to keep up with maintenance and contact professionals services when warranted. 

About Me

Learning About Tree Care

Welcome to my site about tree care. I’m Jason. I am looking forward to discussing all of the products and techniques you can use to keep the trees on your property in great shape. I will talk about the best practices and tools to use while pruning the branches on your trees. I will also share information about keeping pests from wreaking havoc on your new and established trees. My site will cover all of the most important topics in tree care as they develop. Please feel free to visit my site any time to learn how to keep your trees healthy.


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