3 Reasons Tree Pruning Can Help Lower A Tick Population On Your Property

From carrying diseases to simply being a nuisance, ticks definitely do not have a good reputation where insects are concerned. These little blood-sucking vermin commonly hang out on residential properties, and if you are like most homeowners, you will be just itching to do something to get rid of them. While a lot of people will take the route of tick spraying and use pesticides to treat their lawn, there is one other thing you should be doing: trimming your trees. There are actually some really good reasons why keeping your trees pruned can help lower the number of ticks you have hanging out on your property. 

Pruned trees cast less shade on the ground. 

Ticks actually prefer cool shady areas out of the sunshine. The direct sunlight dries out their little soft bodies and is not something these insects really enjoy, so they spend a lot of time seeking shelter from it. Because of this, if you have hefty shade on your property from very large trees, you are more likely to see problems with ticks hanging out on the ground. By pruning the trees regularly, it helps keep the limbs from blocking out the sunlight on the ground, which means ticks will head on to another location. 

Debris from unpruned trees is desirable for ticks. 

Ticks are pretty sly little creatures. Not only do they prefer to be in the shade, they are masters at hiding and know how to stay hidden away from predators. If you have trees that constantly shed leaves and branches, this just creates the perfect opportunity for these bugs to hide out. It is a well-known fact that a well-pruned tree is less likely to shed branches and debris through the year when it shouldn't. So simply ensuring you clean up after your trees and keeping them pruned can help prevent tick populations from growing out of hand. 

Large trees maintain humidity levels in an area. 

Trees naturally block the wind that is moving through a specific area, which is one reason homeowners like the idea of having trees surrounding their home. However, blocking the natural flow of air also keeps humidity trapped in certain areas, and humidity is something that ticks really enjoy. So by pruning the trees to a more conservative size, you will be encouraging more air flow and preventing moisture from accumulating around the tree itself.  

Talk with a pest control service or a tree care service for more tips.

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Learning About Tree Care

Welcome to my site about tree care. I’m Jason. I am looking forward to discussing all of the products and techniques you can use to keep the trees on your property in great shape. I will talk about the best practices and tools to use while pruning the branches on your trees. I will also share information about keeping pests from wreaking havoc on your new and established trees. My site will cover all of the most important topics in tree care as they develop. Please feel free to visit my site any time to learn how to keep your trees healthy.


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